Saturday, March 10, 2012

Garage Fridge; bulk buys and canned corn couches

So years ago i was at this guys apartment and we were talking, he had to leave the room for a few minutes and I started looking around, I realized some of his furniture looked odd, like it was home made- or something. It looked too "boxy"~ On further inspection I found that he had constructed his furniture, or at least some of it, out of boxes of canned corn, peas and such.  Yea, I guess it would work, I'm all for buying bulk but I have NO desire to curl up next to my sweetheart on a stack of Albacore tuna with a sheet over it.  If storage space is tight I think I'd opt for making a bed frame out of cases of peas, not the couch...That leads us to the topic for today, the garage fridge.  If you don't have one then I suggest getting one, they are often free if you scan craigslist. Having double fridges and freezers allows you double storage space when you find a deal, it saves the machine from going to a land fill and costs about $7 a month to operate... when you do find a deal on something you frequently use stock up, buy a Costco membership or, in the remote areas, I guess you put your deer in there,.. hunting never was my gig.

Cheapatarian intro

Welcome... the idea came to me that I needed to start sharing some of the deals I find when people started calling me asking me where they could pick up a bla bla bla for a screaming deal, but this was far before blog days, this was back when Tandy was a household name (that's like saying you drove a Gremlin, followed the Beegees or other "period" give aways) so here we are, years later, add in some insomnia and the blog begins.   I would't call my self a cheapatarian; my wife might, but I just seem to attract deals, or I notice them, or they notice me... this blog will be both about deals and about how to find them.  I live and work in Utah along the Wasatch front, so store specific info will be local to some extent. Enjoy ya'll and thanks for the visit!